Art is an ageless reflection of the human spirit and has many times, over the centuries, traveled this road we are all on today. It offers solace, quiet moments, a sense of comfort, hope, and joyfulness.

< Ginny and Jim Clarke, Gallery Director and Owners of Clarke & Clarke Art + Artifacts, captured in their Mercer Island gallery in October 2020. Keep scrolling to read an interview with Ginny.

Photography: Lisi Wolf

Describe your business in one sentence.

Creating a life of adventure and discovery through a passion for art and humanity.

Are you an Islander? How did you decide to open a business on Mercer Island?

We lived on Mercer Island for several years in the late 80s and early 90s when our gallery was in Pioneer Square. After moving to open galleries in Santa Fe and then Scottsdale. we returned to the Northwest to search for a new location. We chose Mercer Island as it was geographically suitable for our customer base as well as for collectors who were traveling here from other parts of the world.

Do you remember the moment or time when you told yourself, “I have to do this”?

After years of travel and collecting for ourselves, which was nurtured by Jim's earlier anthropological field work for European Museums and Ginny’s adventures in the Fashion world and her Art-to-Wear boutique business, we decided that this was something we could do together. That was the "lightbulb" moment. We could combine our interests and be in business together! That was 30+ years ago… and we still love it!

What makes your business so unique?

We represent an eclectic diversity of art and artists. Objects range from a 7th C. Chinese sandstone figure to a piece of Mid-Century Modern art pottery along with the paintings of a number of NW & California Abstract Artists. It is literally a "Treasure Hunt.”

What was your experience adapting to the new COVID reality?

It’s been one of the most challenging business situations we've experienced. Creating a new format to attempt to reach customers, learning new technology to reach a broader range of buyers, educating ourselves to become more accessible within the restrictions, being supportive of other independent and small businesses, and becoming meaningfully interactive within the community to address the critical needs of others. Things that are all a part of being a small business owner but intensified to a frightening degree.

We often say innovation comes from questioning the status quo. Have you uncovered new ways of doing business or launched new products or services that you would not have thought of before? How did it work out?

This is a work in progress! We have always questioned and adapted our processes.

If there was a single product, service, expertise, etc., your business should be known for, what is it?

We offer an opportunity to infuse a design element, object of art, or personal adornment that will enhance a person’s environment, knowledge, and self-expression. Surrounding yourself with things you love is enriching.

Tell us something about your business that would surprise us.

Everything here is not expensive.

What is your favorite Mercer Island spot?

Well, besides our gallery... It would probably be the Sculpture Park [Greta Hackett Outdoor Sculpture Gallery] or the view we had of Mt. Rainier and the lake at sunrise from our first house here.

Since you've been in business on Mercer Island, what have you discovered about Islanders or the Island community in general?

In general, we find it to be easy to become integrated into groups of like-minded people and organizations if you have passion or purpose or both.

When you aren't working, what's your favorite pastime?

At this particular time (given the constraints), it’s being close to our daughter and son-in-law and watching the business they created continue to thrive; then it’s cooking and reading and research. Otherwise, treasure hunting and exploring new places around the world.

If you had to convince a non-Islander to come discover Mercer Island, what would you tell them?

Mercer Island is a friendly, village-like environment with many diverse community groups who welcome new members and participants. There are activities in the outdoors, scenic views, waterfront parks, and a strong sense of pride in the city’s documented and colorful, long history. The assortment of unique shops and locally owned businesses is a charming, interesting, and meaningful aspect of the dynamics of the area. It’s a small town with big ideas!

Learn more about Clarke & Clarke Art + Artifacts at